Do you want to play in one of our venues in Paris, Avignon, Lyon or do you want to organize a tour throughout France, Monaco, Corsica, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy? You are a company, a production, an artist, so do not hesitate to contact us.
Depending on the event, and after studying your complete file, we can offer you co-production, co-production, rental and even free hosting contracts depending on the cases and the number of places available; or even redirect you to another reception location more appropriate to your request.
The Laurette Théâtre team studies programming requests throughout the year. To submit a show to us, you must send your complete production and/or presentation file + TECHNICAL file in order to see if your event is feasible in our rooms without forgetting to specify the desired performance period.
Shows not on show or new creations are selected on file and hearing an extract from the show (reading possible for shows not yet produced), or video capture/excerpt depending on the progress of your project.
Home of project or amateur type show possible. (The requirements to host your show being “reduced”)
Laurette theater, 36 rue Bichat, 75010 Paris.
Mail to the attention of the "programming department. No registered mail please (we certainly won't go looking for them).
For Paris:
For Avignon:
For Lyon:
You can also submit your events to us via the form below (faster processing):
Submit your show (only one show per form) by clicking here: professional contact
Do you have an idea for a show and need a venue to perform all year round? We are looking for ambitious companies to
express themselves on our stages in Paris, Lyon and Avignon. Do not hesitate to contact us by sending us your ideas and we will study your project together. So for theater rental, opt for Laurette Théâtre.
Is your show successful? Before presenting it to us, make sure that your scenario and your artistic direction are clear and precise. If you have materials such as photos or videos of clips from your show, this will surely help you differentiate yourself from other shows. Send us a description of what you would like to organize and we will contact you to agree on the details together. For performance hall rental, submit your request to us!
If you have already defined the bases of your project, this is already excellent news, but you must rent a
performance hall in Paris , Lyon or Avignon. However, more concrete details are usually necessary to help us project your idea into one of our rooms. For example, artistic direction is a very important element, because your scenic desires may be limited by technical constraints. Also, some of the elements you will want to put on set may not be suitable for the stage and this is therefore a particularly important point to study in advance.
You have a solid file, videos and concrete evidence to enlighten us on the reliability of your project. However, it is also important that your values align with ours. Indeed, as a non-conventional theater , we support small and large projects alike, as long as they promote free expression. If you think your show would appeal to our team as well as the wide variety of audiences we serve, then we would be happy to bring it to one of our theaters.
Credit card payments accepted at the counter:
Laurette Theater Paris
36 rue Bichat
75010 Paris
Tel: 09 84 14 12 12
Mob: 06 95 54 56 59
M° République or Goncourt
Laurette Theater Avignon
14 rue Plaisance
16-18 rue Joseph Vernet
Near Place Crillon
84000 Avignon
Tel: 09 53 01 76 74
Mob: 06 51 29 76 69
Laurette Theater Lyon
246 rue Paul Bert
69003 Lyon
Tel: 09 84 14 12 12
Mob: 06 51 93 63 13
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