Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. Voice assistants in our phones algorithms who recommend films, she is gradually inviting herself into our daily lives. For some, it is synonymous with innovation and progress. For others, it arouses concerns, especially on its impact on employment, creativity or even human relationships. This technological revolution, which upsets our relationship to the world, could therefore only inspire the theater, an art that feeds on the air to question our society.
One might think that AI in the theater means robots on stage or dialogues entirely generated by algorithms. However, it is not from this angle that the authors and directors take hold of it. Artificial intelligence becomes above all a source of inspiration for the world of spectacle, a pretext to explore universal themes such as communication, intergenerational conflicts and the place of human in a changing world.
The theater, as a mirror of our contemporary concerns, is less interested in technological prowess than in the upheavals that they provoke in our lives. The stories that result from it are often tinged with humor and reflection, because behind the supposed coldness of the machines hide very human questions.
Why does artificial intelligence make such a good show of spectacle?
First, because it is at the heart of the news. We talk about it in the media, we debate in the cafes, and everyone has their opinion on the issue. It is a theme that challenges and affects all generations, because it raises deep questions about our future.
Then, AI is an excellent narrative lever to confront different visions of the world. One of the major tensions around this technology lies in the discrepancy between those who naturally adopt it and those who look at it with skepticism. This generational shock is a gold mine for playwrights, which can draw funny and touching situations.
Finally, artificial intelligence in the theater makes it possible to open debates, without being too didactic. Through a comedy, a drama or a satirical piece, she pushes the spectator to ask questions without him having the impression of attending a conference. It is this subtle balance between entertainment and reflection that makes these shows so relevant.
A perfect example of the way in which AI can be exploited at the theater is the new play " Artificial Intelligence" , carried by the Crazy company. This show stages Kevin and his mother, already known to the public thanks to the success of . In this new adventure, they find themselves faced with new daily situations: becoming a rapper, managing homework, learning to drive ... But above all, they must deal with new technologies that invade their daily lives.
If the title refers to AI, it is not so much to talk about robots as to illustrate the misunderstandings between generations. Artificial intelligence becomes a common thread here to approach universal themes with humor: how do young people perceive technology? Why do parents sometimes find it difficult to keep pace? And above all, can we still understand each other in the digital age?
Directed by Jean-Baptiste Mazoyer , and interpreted by Seb Mattia and Isabelle Viranin , the show plays on the contrast between the mother, overwhelmed by new digital uses, and her son, completely immersed in this connected world. Between misunderstandings and tasty dialogues, the play promises bursts of laughter and a beautiful dose of reflection on our relationship to technology.
AI and theater, a promising duo.
A show on artificial intelligence can be an exciting subject to approach, not so much for its technological feat as for the questions it arouses. Through shows like " artificial intelligence" , it becomes a way to talk about our time, our doubts and our hopes.
Between laughter and awareness, these pieces remind us that, despite the omnipresence of machines, it is always the human who tells the best stories.
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Laurette Theater Paris
36 rue Bichat
75010 Paris
Tel: 09 84 14 12 12
Mob: 06 95 54 56 59
M° République or Goncourt
Laurette Theater Avignon
14 rue Plaisance
16-18 rue Joseph Vernet
Near Place Crillon
84000 Avignon
Tel: 09 53 01 76 74
Mob: 06 51 29 76 69
Laurette Theater Lyon
246 rue Paul Bert
69003 Lyon
Tel: 09 84 14 12 12
Mob: 06 51 93 63 13
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